Senegal Ancient Vedic Heritage Symbol Scepter to Ruler to move like Chief as ruler

-Dr.C,P. Trivedi
A Sengol is a very ancient Eternal Vedicsymbol of righteousness and Dharma in the Tamil land “Every king is handed a Sengol which gives them the authority to protect dharma and be in the path of righteousness,” Rajaji is said to have approached the Thiruvaduthurai Adheenam – a Saivaite Mutt which is over 500 years old. A 5-feet Sengol with a nandi (bull) atop was commissioned by the Adheenam – the 20th Gurumaha Sannithanam Sri La Sri Ambalavana Desika Swamigal.
The iconography of the Senagol symbolically explores the Vedic cultural Heritage of India through which India ruled over the world, the Chola kings, Mouryan dynasty, and Chandragupta II dynasty were following the same and ruled over the Indian subcontinent.
The Sengol symbolizes the authority to rule over the country with Vedic cultural heritage as head king of the country. under cosmic principles. The Creation evolved from a fundamental energy under the laws of Thermodynamics Rig-Veda 1-1-1 and 10-90
The inauguration of the new parliament building followed by the installation of ‘Sengol’ inside the Lok Sabha’ It is a great historic dawn of India after many decades of Darkness to Light ‘Tam Soma Jyotirgamaya’ to reestablish India’s glorious past with which India led the world with its great Vedic cultural heritage. The Gold plated ‘Sengol scepter’ will enlighten the world again and its installation in the parliament is a moment of glory for Indians.
The Creation
India was the paradise on earth, but now India is a mental slave to Britain for everything requires a certificate from Britain. for the Indian mental slaves, ‘Black Buffalo and Black word are same’ It is due to the long slavery of the Mughal, and British rulers, who brought forward the ‘Ayyan invasion Theory’ to deny the antiquity of India Veda means knowledge, ‘Aryan means, well cultured civilized person, and Veda is the first word of the civilized person on earth Rig-Veda is the book of science embodies the origin and the evolution of the creation and life. Creation and life is the trinity of the three immortals termed as ‘Triyee Vidhya’ Rig-Yaju-Same
Rig- means Sky, space indestructible supreme resign of existence modern Higgs field.
Yaju – means fast-moving electron, which stimulates the event with the transfer of Electrons, and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time, and the creation came into the existence
Sama- means resonant electromagnetic rays of light, which travel with vibration, and sound, the phonon vibration wave is immortal, and the earliest activated dark matter in pre-cosmic condition with fundamental energy ‘Soma’ in action with blasts and light, the photon and phonon are two equal and opposite forces of nature run parallel in a straight way, their flow has been halted with the Higgs field, underlying space imparted mass to the elementary particles with Asteroids and planets.
There is no war or history in the Vedas, The ‘Soma’ is the magnetism in the cosmos, the Indra is Electricity with charge as weapons, The ‘Sarasvati’ is not a terrestrial river, The immortal phonon Vac Voice is flowing in the countless channel with life, Sarasvati voice inspire with the thoughts in mind with the wisdom, is the source of the infinite nature, working everywhere’
The Creation has evolved from fundamental energy, under the laws of thermodynamics. Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
Einstein was motivated by an intellectual need to unify the forces of nature. He felt very strongly that all of nature must be described by a single theory. The intellect seeking an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields independent of each other by their nature, Einstein said in his Nobel lecture in 1923.
The Phonon is immortal and earliest has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as a dualistic complementary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².

The photon is the smallest unit of light and the phonon is the smallest unit of the sound vibration wave. The photon and phonon run parallel and complementary to each other and are connected at the molecular level with equal and opposite wavelengths. The photon and phonon are coming from the sun in concentric circles and behold all exist with equal and opposite wavelengths. It has been depicted on the Sengol scepter
The Phonon is immortal and earliest has activated the dark matter with resonance. The phonon and photon manifested with blast and light as a dualistic complementary force of vital energy. The phonon stimulates the event to happen and the photon undergoes synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s equation E=Mc².
Dualistic Force of Vital Energy
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force The Vedic seers are expressed in the first hymn of the Rig Veda through the metaphor of Yaj¤a Rig. 1-1-1
I invoke the Agni- (fundamental energy) who is the priest, Deva (fundamental particles), sacrificer, and reciter of the Srishti, Yajna, which is the treasure of jewels.
I invoke fundamental energy, he is the priest as controller of the creation sacrifice-yajna, he is the Deva-fundamental particles of the yaj¤a. He is a sacrificer, which means he adds fuel in the creation for yajna-actions and interactions, he is the reciter- who chants the hymns during the yajna, it means he is the source of actions in the creation and he is a treasure of jewels. It means the fundamental energy is the source of everything, which is going on and present in the creation.
The fundamental energy is working with its Dualistic force Phonon and Photon, it has been termed both the father and their son metaphorically. The phonon is immortal.
उ॒तैषां॑ पि॒तोत वा॑ पु॒त्र ए॑षामु॒तैषां॑ ज्ये॒ उ॒त वा॑ कनिः॒।
एको॑ ह दे॒वो मन॑सि॒ प्रवि॑ष्टः प्रथ॒मो जा॒तः स उ॒ गर्भेऽ अ॒न्तः॥
Both their father is also their son; both the chief is also the meanest (Kani–—ha) of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb Ath. 10-8-28
The fundamental energy is working with its dualistic force Phonon and Photon. They together have been termed as both the father and their son metaphorically. of them; the one God, who has entered into the mind, born the first, and he within the womb. . Out of these two, one Phonon has entered in the mind first and stimulated the language of DNA in the womb, the phonon is earliest, it has activated the Dark matter in pre=cosmic conditions.
पर्वा॒प॒रं चरतो मा॒ययै॒तौ शिशू क्रोडन्तौ परि यातोऽर्ण॒वम्।
विश्वा॒न्यो भुवना वि॒चष्ट ऋतूँरन्यो वि॒दधज्जायसे॒ नवः ॥२३॥
By their power these Twain in close succession move; They go as playing children around the sacrifice.
The electromagnetic rays travel with vibrations and sound in close succession with actions and interactions.
A gold-plated silver ‘Sengol’ (meaning scepter), presented by the Thiruvaduthurai Adheenam (in present-day Myladudurai district) to India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru as an Eternal symbol of the transfer of power from the British, would be installed at a prominent position in the new Parliament building,\ The Sengol with a bull on the top signifies that the honor of the ‘Sengol’ is moving like a chief with glory in all directions like a bull with fundamental energy in action.
Life is like birds nest upon the tree Rig. 10-127-4
The symbolic animal expresses that life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division.
The ‘Sengol’ Sceptre is fundamental energy in the center like a ‘Yaksha’ pillar and holds all existing all are connected with him like branches of a trunk of a tree Atharvaveda 10-8-The Spotted bullock Tvashta DNA dressed at very high temperature in the pre-cosmic condition before fundamental energy in action during the creation sacrifice as an immortal instrument of life to appear with the birth and disappear with death. The immortal spotted bullock Tvashta DNA consists of purine and pyrimidine complementary base pair Ashvin termed as the daughter of Tvashta Saranyu and Sanjana with three immortal and three stages of life made apparent with the origin of life in slime soup from the complementary phonon resonant wave,
Veda means Knowledge of Three immortal ‘TRAYI VIDHYA’ RIG, YAJU, AND SAMA’
The creation is the trinity of the three immortal, the knowledge of the three is ‘Trayi Vidhya’ ‘Rig-immortal space, Sky ensign of existence, Yaju-rapidly moving immortal electron, and Sama’ immortal vibration wave phonon
Rig-SPACE immortal space From Darkness to Light; TAM SOMA JYOTIRGMAY
The appearance of immortal space with light vanished the darkness
In the pre-cosmic condition, nothing was there only deep darkness. The dormant fundamental energy came into action with blast and light with electron configuration. The generation of the immortal electrons is the manifestation of the vital fundamental energy in existence with an immortal equal and opposite wavelength of electrons, which act with electron configuration and half spin change in the opposite wavelength, and the photon undergoes the synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s Equation E=Mc², with this the creation came into the existence.
The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all. DNA has the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with time, with three stages of life with three immortal. The ‘’ fundamental energy appears with birth and disappears with death.
Hear all the Gods my words, Sarasvati gives ear together with Puramdhi and with holy thoughts (Rig-Veda 10-65-14)
Speak forth the three words, the words which light precedeth, which milk this udder that produces nectar.
Quickly made manifest, the Bull hath bellowed, engendering the germ of plants, the infant (Rig. 7-101-1)
The germ of the world ensign of all creation springs to life and filled the earth and heavens. Even the firm rocks he cleft when passing over when the five tribes brought a sacrifice to Agni (ÿg. 10-45-6)
The Sarasvati thought words ensign the existence with the chemical energy of food, which generates thoughts in the mind, and vital energy ensigns of life manifest with action, the germ of plants and infants as well.
The three immortal; the resonant vibration of words precede light, they together produced the nectar, which milk this udder with cell body, the ensign of existence. With this, the fundamental energy Soma, manifested like Bull, and Bull bellowed engendering germ of plants, the infant also. The speed of the resonant waves is more than the light, which stimulates the action.
- The immortal underlying space of the sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.
- The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds the living-beings
- The immortal DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all. DNA has the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with time, with three stages of life with three immortal. The ‘’ fundamental energy appears with birth and disappears with death.
‘jyotirlinga’ is the beginning of the Time Era Yuga
Yuga Era (Sanskrit: युग) means “a yoke” (joining of two things), “generations”, or “a period of time” Era such as age, namely Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga Dwapar Yuga, and the Kali Yuga.
Satya Yuga, Era signifies the pre-cosmic Dawn of creation nothing was there, only deep darkness everywhere in the cosmos.
The pre-cosmic Dawn
Then was not any -existent nor existent: there was no realm of air, no sky beyond. What is covered in and where? And what gave shelter? Was water there, an unfathomed depth of water? (ÿg. 10-129-1)
Death was not then, nor was there aught immortal: no sign was there, the day’s and night’s divider.
That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its nature: apart from it was nothing whatsoever (ÿg. 10-129-2)
Before the origin of the cosmos, when neither time not space was created, it has been expressed then was not nonexistent no existent:
From him VirÈj was born; again Puru–a from VirÈj was born.
As soon as he was born he spread eastward and westward o’er the earth ÿg.10-90.5
From the Puru–a, VirÈj-the infinite universe was born, from that again Puru–a was born,
The Sky, Brahma Creator
When SÈrÈma had found the mountain’s fissure, that vast and ancient place she plundered thoroughly (Rig. 3-31-6)
The pre-cosmic dark atmosphere may be like a solid rock without any space with deep darkness everywhere. A dark ripple finds a place in the crack like a thief with a small ripper, the rippling noise plundered the darkness within darkness thoroughly. The space appeared in solid darkness like Higgs field space ensign of existence.
The appearance of space in the solid rock-like darkness is the first step of cosmic dawn with this the shock wave finds a place in the space with resonant vibration. The motion in hidden darkness appeared as two opponents in motion like abhorrent floods moving in friendship for many years. The shock waves appeared like unborn images. With equal and opposite forces and tarried for many years. It has been described as the ‘Tapasya’ labor of ‘Sati’ ‘Mahishasur Mardini’ with the equal and the opposite wavelength to awaken him from the trance.
The pre-cosmic to cosmic dawn with three immortal, the appearance of sky space in the cosmos ensign of the existence. The shock wave appears as shock wave appears before the earthquake. It is like darkness within the darkness, just like the image of the unborn dark atmosphere. It is the ensign of the existence of dark inactive fundamental energy in the pre-cosmic dark atmosphere enclosed by the dark shock wave. The Shiva in trance is the personification of calm and quiet deep darkness in a pre-cosmic atmosphere, and ‘Sati’ is the personification of companion shock waves hidden in darkness within.

Mahishaur Mardini Kailash Ellora
The Goddess as she comes hatch set the Dawn her Sisters, the light rays from her feet below
in her place, and then the darkness vanished (ÿg. 10-127-3)
Vχa; shock waves draw up his wave from out the ocean; mist-born the fair one’s back made apparent (ÿg. 10-123-2)
The resonant shock waves with concentration and compression prepared the condition for the big bang. The resonant dark waves annihilated the darkness as a whole with blast and light. It has made apparent the potential energy.
It is the manifestation of vital energy with cosmic dawn. The cosmic dawn was replaced by her sisters, the complimentary electromagnetic spectrum.
The Goddess as she comes hatch set the Dawn her Sisters in her place, and then the darkness vanished (ÿg. 10-127-3)
The Fundamental Energy in Action

PICTURE from Kailash Ellora
10-125-7 On the world’s summit I bring forth the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean. Thence I extend over all existing creatures and touch even yonder heaven with my forehead.
Vχa; shock waves draw up his wave from out the ocean; mist-born the fair one’s back made apparent (ÿg. 10-123-2)
The Dark Night appeared like the unborn fundamental energy image shown in the background of Siva in action. The Fundamental Energy in Action
10-125-7 On the world’s summit I bring forth the Father: my home is in the waters, in the ocean. Thence I extend over all existing creatures and touch even yonder heaven with my forehead.
In the cosmological event, the appearance of vital energy as an oxidizing and reducing agent is the foremost event. It has brought vital energy in action with light, and resonant waves extend over all existing creatures even above heaven.
Bull on the top of the Sengol

Spotted Bullock of Mahadev to travel on earth with life

The Mighty men have dressed the spotted bullock. These were the customs in the days of foretime Rig.1-164-43.
Mighty immortal fundamental energy dressed the spotted bullock, immortal Tvashta DNA with the cosmic dawn. It has been depicted by the ‘Jyotirlinga’ radiant flame above the spotted bullock cart for the fundamental energy to travel on the earth with the origin of life, where life appears with birth and disappears with death.
It has taken millions of years to destroy the obstacle demon to activate the bullock DNA lying dormant on the platform.
I saw from far away the smoke of fuel with spires that rose on high beneath it. The Mighty men have dressed the spotted bullock. These were the customs in the days of foretime Rig.1-164-43.
The mighty fundamental energy dressed the Spotted Bullock, Immortal Twashta DNA as a vehicle of life, where the fundamental energy appears with the origin of life and disappears with death, under the cycle of rebirth and dearth.
The germ of the world ensign of all creation springs to life and filled the earth and heavens. Even the firm rocks he cleft when passing over when the five tribes brought a sacrifice to Agni (Rig. 10-45-6)

Son Less gained Grandson from his daughter Kailash Ellora India
With the thought of order, the sonless gained a grandson from his daughter.
- Wise, teaching, following the thought of Order, the sonless gained a grandson from his daughter. Fain as a sire, to see his child prolific he sped to meet her with an eager spirit.
After the discovery of DNA, they searched the vital energy through awakening serpent power.
The Vedic name of DNA is Tvashtar the Lord of all created beings and shaper of all creatures. The mighty Man fundamental energy dressed the spotted bullock Tvashta as the vehicle of life. The nucleotide pair of DNA purine and the pyrimidine base saranyu and Sanjana are like his daughter.
The complementary phonon wavelength activated the nucleotide pair Sanjana and Saranyu with the origin of life 4.6 Billion years ago, with the spark of first life, the nucleotide pair Saranya and Sanjana synthesizes the synonym bases in the air with the complementary phonon wavelength Vivasvat is like the grandson of Tvashta. The immortal phonon follows the immortal Vivasvat DNA from generation to generation with new life and spread in all directions with life.
Fain as a sire, to see his child prolific he sped to meet her with an eager spirit.
The lord with pleasure to see his child prolific sped to meet her with an eager spirit. The cellular body is the vehicle of life and to meet the seed-bearing mother spirit is the aim of serpent power awakening. To follow life principles with ethics is the foremost requirement on the way of serpent power awakening.
2.The Son left not his portion to the brother; he made a home to hold him who should gain it.
The mental genetic code activated in the womb of the mother with the complementary voice phonon wavelength is the identity of an individual in life as a home to cross the journey of life. Even the time twins have different genetic identities and fates in life as a son of Tvashta DNA it left no portion to the brother.
What time his Parents gave the Priest his being, of the good pair one acted one promoted Rig-Veda 3-31-2
The parents give their child to the priest with the thread ceremony. The three knots in the thread denote that life is a trinity of three immortals. The pupils made their home and learn different aspects of life with service. to travel beyond space and time, Hanuman used this power.
Life energy appears like a trembling tongue

Agni was born trembling with a tongue that flickered so that the Red’s great children should be honored. The chemical energy of photosynthesis with food metabolism is the source of life.
The spotted bullock with three immortals

- Underlying space Higgs field imparted mass to the elementary particles with asteroids and planets. Ensign of existence.
- The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis is the source of life.
- The immortal complementary resonant wavelength of light adorned to the nucleotide pair stimulate the event with the electron transfer and is the light of life for all. It has been engraved on the body of a Bull, the same has been described as the vehicle of Lord ‘Mahadev’s fundamental energy to travel on earth with life in ‘Shiva Puran’ The Ashvin nucleotide pair of DNA synthesizes the cell body in the direction of the complementary phonon wavelength and fundamental energy appears with the streaming of the protoplasm and food metabolism is the source of life. The immortal resonant vibration wave of the word vowel follows the immortal Tvashta. Ashvin’s nucleotide pairs from generation to generation with new life. The single Immortal Tvashta with life is moving as chief in the ocean of life has been placed on the top of the ‘Sengol’ as a vehicle of life. Where in the nucleus of the atom fundamental energy appears in the space of the nucleus and drives the cell body on the path of evolution. and disappears with death. Hence the Nandi Bull is the symbol of DNA for Mahadev’s fundamental energy to travel on the earth and Tvashta DNA is moving like a chief in the ocean of life and spreading in all directions with a restless beat.
The bull, the youngling with the hump, hath frolicked, the strong and never-ceasing Calf hath bellowed.
Bringing our offerings to God’s assembly, he moves as Chief in his dwelling places Rig-Veda 10-8-2
- a body formed for flight hast thou, O charger; swift as the wind in motion is thy spirit.
Thy horns are spread abroad in all directions: they move with the restless beat in wildernesses 1-163-11
Rbhu Cell has a body formed for flight in nature. The Charger DNA is swift like wind, the motion is his spirit. Just like his horns, they spread in all directions with a restless beat.
Yama beyond, below Vivasvat beyond that, do I see nothing whatever; into Yama has entered my sacrifice, Vivasvat stretched after the worlds (bhÊ). Atharvaveda 18-2-32
The universal occurrence of genetic material DNA in living beings has been expressed; it is a synonym to our modern knowledge of Genetics. In the biological world, which is before us, I see nothing beyond Vivasvat – DNA. From the DNA the chromosomes have been synthesized. They have stretched in the world in the form of food chains and food webs, it has been expressed.
A Sengol is a very ancient Eternal Vedicsymbol of righteousness and Dharma in the Tamil land “Every king is handed a Sengol which gives them the authority to protect dharma and be in the path of righteousness,” Rajaji is said to have approached the Thiruvaduthurai Adheenam – a Saivaite Mutt which is over 500 years old. A 5-feet Sengol with a nandi (bull) atop was commissioned by the Adheenam – the 20th Gurumaha Sannithanam Sri La Sri Ambalavana Desika Swamigal.
The iconography of the Senagol symbolically explores the Vedic cultural Heritage of India through which India ruled over the world, the Chola kings, Mouryan dynasty, and Chandragupta II dynasty were following the same and ruled over the Indian subcontinent.
The Sengol symbolizes the authority to rule over the country with Vedic cultural heritage as head king of the country. under cosmic principles. The Creation evolved from a fundamental energy under the laws of Thermodynamics Rig-Veda 1-1-1 and 10-90
These Brahmanaspati produced with blast and smelting, like a smith,
Existence in an earlier age of Gods, from Non-existence, sprang. Rig. 10-72- 2
With the blasts in the pre-cosmic condition, the fundamental energy in action generated the elementary particle immortal electron first in existence. The activation of the fundamental energy with blasts and life generated millions of fundamental particles, and the photon and phonon run parallel in a straight way.
Solar System
The pre-cosmic condition Great Dark Night
The Great Dark Night is the appearance of immortal phonon shock waves as the darkness within the darkness with equal and opposite character to unborn fundamental energy. It is like this that the shock waves appear before the earthquake. The appearance of the shock waves with equal and opposite characters immortal unborn, antimagnetic without charge is the ensign of existence in the unfathomed darkness like the appearance of the sky in the sky the precursor unit of the solar system.
The space has given the place to the shock waves for vibration with noise. It is like this that when we raise a whip in the air a sound is generated in the same fashion a vibration wave generated an immortal phonon, the smallest unit of sound. The phonon wave strikes and rebounds with a press mark The dark matter is the dark inactive dormant magnetism, and shock waves acquire induced magnetic power with compulsion and repulsion with a press mark. It is like touch and goes reaction and at the point of pressmark has developed an equal and opposite wavelength to activate dark inactive fundamental energy with electron configuration in the opposite direction. It has activated the fundamental energy in action with the Big bang.
Big Bang
The phonon waves tarried for millions of years with movement in opposite directions like abhorrent floods. The compression and concentration of the phonon waves created a temperature and pressure in the center, it activated the dormant fundamental energy in action with blast and light. The photon and phonon run parallel as the dualistic force of fundamental energy in action. The immortal phonon smallest unit of sound vibration wave stimulates the event and the photon smallest unit of light undergoes synthesis and degradation with time Einstein’s Equation E=Mc²
The Photon and phonon run parallel with a blast in incandescent gaseous clouds.
A few millionths of a second later, quarks aggregated to produce protons and neutrons. Within minutes, these protons and neutrons combined into nuclei. As the universe continued to expand and cool, things began to happen more slowly. As the universe continued to expand and cool, things began to happen more slowly. It took about 380,000 years.
The flow of the photon and phonon has been halted with the formation of the atom, and the underlying space Higgs field granted mass to the elementary particles with the formation of asteroids and planets. Both have maintained their continuity in the molecule matter and the cell body. The Higgs field is the ensign of existence. How do the elementary particles get the Mass?

Higgs field and mass to the elementary particles.
The electromagnetic waves of light travel with vibration and sound together, just like dancers. The elementary particles adhered to space, the sound of vibration, touched, press the mark, and rebound. The colliding protons, decaying into hadron jets and electrons, converted them into electric vibrations to join them in series with phonic compression electromagnetic force. The presser compression with touch and go change the wavelength with the configuration of electrons moving around the nucleus with phonic atomic effect, and impart mass to elementary particles with asteroids, and planets.
The photon and phonon are two complementary independent forces of vital energy. They interact at the molecular level with the configuration of electrons and half-spin change in complementary wavelength, the solar system came into existence with the sun as the main source of Energy.
The incandescent gaseous clouds and gigantic radiations were generated first, before the formation of the solar system. With time the earth cooled down with floods of water and the movement of molten mass generated the magnetosphere around the earth with the ozone layer in the atmosphere. It has given the way for the origin of life.
The Vedic seers are expressed in the first hymn of the Rig Veda through the metaphor of Yaj¤a Rig. 1-1-1
I invoke the Agni- (fundamental energy) who is the priest, Deva (fundamental particles), sacrificer, and reciter of the Srishti, Yajna, which is the treasure of jewels.
I invoke fundamental energy, he is the priest as controller of the creation sacrifice-yajna, he is the Deva-fundamental particles of the yaj¤a. He is a sacrificer, which means he adds fuel in the creation for yajna-actions and interactions, he is the reciter- who chants the hymns during the yajna, it means he is the source of actions in the creation and he is a treasure of jewels. It means the fundamental energy is the source of everything, which is going on and present in the creation.
The Bio-geo-chemical cycle
Through sacrifice the Gods accomplished their sacrifice: these were the earliest ordinances. These Mighty ones attained the height of heaven there where the Sadhyas Gods of old are dwelling.Rig.1-164-50, Rig. 10–90–16
The Yaj¤a-sacrifice means action and interactions, here it has been said that from actions and interactions again actions and interactions are generated, where according to the cosmic law, Deva ² fundamental particles are the first, with their activity, they reach to the height of matter, and the fundamental particles- Deva. It means initially the fundamental particles are the first in the series of activities and interactions, through their activity, they are converted into matter and again reach their original old state of Deva ² fundamental particle, it indicates the natural cycles, through which the natural components are synthesized and disintegrated in the reversible direction, through the bio-geo-chemical cycle in nature.

Mahakal One wheeled Chariot
Twelve are the fellies and the wheel is single;
Twelve are the fellies and the wheel is single;
Twelve ‘Jyotirlinga’ and Time
The ‘Jyotirlinga’ radiant flame embodies the secret of the creation. The radiant flame appeared with the cosmology Big Bang as the first symbol of the fundamental energy in action. All the components of the creation were synthesized from it with the energy transformation and merged into the same with time.
Twelve ‘Jyotirlinga’
The flow of the photon and phonon has been halted with the formation of the atom, and the underlying space Higgs field granted mass to the elementary particles with the formation of asteroids and planets. It has brought forward the sun in action as a source of light and energy with a strong magnetic field. The rotation of the sun at its axis has given the concept of time as a great event MAHAKAL’ Jyotirlinga at Ujjain, as one wheel chariot and the twelve ‘Jyotirlinga’ in India represents Twelve fellies Twelve ‘Aditya’ twelve faces of the sun with 360 days cycle of one ‘Samvatsar Kal’ under which the creation is working as a system under the cycle of six seasons.
Twelve are the fellies and the wheel is single; three are the naves. What man hath understood it? Therein are set together spokes three hundred and sixty which in nowise can be loosened. Rig. 1-164-48
It has been indicated here that all the phenomena on the earth are going on under the wheel of the year. It has twelve months, and three hundred and sixty days with three centers, Sky, the Atmosphere, and the earth. It indicates the yearly cycle of the months and seasons. Under the wheel of the year, nature exhibits its functions.
The radiant flame ‘Jyoti’ appeared on its own with cosmology, the ‘Jyotirling’ is known as ‘SWAYAM BHU’ self-originated.
He drives the sun and planets like a car wheel.
Sa Suryah paryuru varansyendro va vratyadrathyeva chakra Rig.10-89-2 A
Surya is he; throughout the wide expenses shall Indra turn him, swift as car wheel, hither.
He drives the sun and others like the wheel of the Rath car.
The great Event Time ‘Kal’ ‘MAHAKAL Ujjain is the center of calculation of Time with an ancient observatory, the ‘Jyotirlinga’ is placed from where the Cancer meridian line passes at 23.5 degrees latitude.
The sun is directly overhead at noon on the Tropic of Cancer on June 21 (the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere
JAI MAHAKAL OM is that truth, It is the symbol of the Magnetosphere around the earth, and the first manifestation of the fundamental energy in action, which protects the earth from the sun’s strong magnetic field, giving the way for the origin of life on the earth.
Life is a trinity of three immortals The Trident, Drum, and Aegle Marmelos Bilva Patra Leag
- The immortal underlying space of sky imparted mass to elementary particles with resonant vibration, the ensign of the existence of all.
- The immortal chemical energy of photosynthesis feeds the living-beings
- The immortal Tvashta DNA with resonant words is the light of life for all. DNA has the inbuilt mechanism of transcription and translation with time, with three stages of life with three immortal. The ‘’ fundamental energy appears with birth and disappears with death.
Mighty immortal fundamental energy dressed the spotted bullock, immortal Tvashta DNA with the cosmic dawn. It has been depicted by the ‘Jyotirlinga’ radiant flame above the spotted bullock car to travel on the earth with the origin of life. It has taken millions of years to destroy the obstacle demon to activate the bullock DNA lying dormant on the platform. Nandi Bull is the vehicle of fundamental energy ‘Mahadev’ to travel on the earth with life. Life appears in the cell body with the streaming of the protoplasmic vibrations and disappears with death. The immortal thought words follow the immortal Tvashta DNA with new life.